Managing Expectations
It is a good idea to understand where you are in your training, because setting up certain, not all, expectations will allow you to fight at a higher level. If you train every class and give it your all, you can expect that after a few months, you are in pretty good shape. That expectation will allow you to fight a little harder when you roll, without the need to mentally save your energy for the next fight, or the next, or the next. You expect your body to perform.
Now that the physical element has been managed, at least pushed aside from your main focus, you can tackle your mobility. Your drilling of certain moves will allow you to understand what you can do well and what you need to work on. If you have a good escape, say Upa (or bump from bottom mount), then you can expect that to work for you most of the time. That expectation will lead to confidence in that situation so you can concentrate on what comes next after the escape.
Expectations that you have a full tank of gas and a vehicle with some mobility is a re-assuring thing when rolling. Even if you lack a little confidence, we all do sometimes, we at least know that some bases are covered.
The next is the submission game. Similar to mobility, it is good to know that you can rely on certain things that will help you finish your opponent. After practicing and practicing, you know what you like to use. And it offers comfort to know that if you can get to a certain place, you can deal your submission.
I really enjoy figuring this stuff out. I expect my body to function well for the rolling part of class. I expect that I will be able to be mobile. I expect that certain defenses will work. I expect that certain offences will work. This can only be achieved through constant practice and training. The balance, as with all things, is essential for improvement. Lastly, I expect to have fun when rolling when my expectations are wrong because that leads to even more improvment.
P.S. The expectations you have for yourself can sometimes be read by others... ;)